Find charities that support children, babies and animals who need help in Gauteng. Help make a difference and browse the list below.
NPO that aims to provide a positive, interactive platform for SA's rising sports stars to share their...NPO that aims to provide a positive, interactive platform for SA's rising sports ...
NPO that aims to provide a positive, interactive platform for SA's risin...NPO that aims to provide a positive, interactive platform for ...
All ages
A temporary place of safety for 30 babies consented for adoption or abandoned, as well as birth moms i...A temporary place of safety for 30 babies consented for adoption or abandoned, as ...
A temporary place of safety for 30 babies consented for adoption or aban...A temporary place of safety for 30 babies consented for adopti...
From Birth - 2 yrs old
Structuring Society through Music & Arts - Organisation for social upliftment of the underpriveleged.Structuring Society through Music & Arts - Organisation for social upliftment of t...
Structuring Society through Music & Arts - Organisation for social uplif...Structuring Society through Music & Arts - Organisation for so...
From 3 yrs - All ages
We provide babies with safe, pasteurised breastmilk and thereby improve their health and well-being. We provide babies with safe, pasteurised breastmilk and thereby improve their heal...
We provide babies with safe, pasteurised breastmilk and thereby improve ...We provide babies with safe, pasteurised breastmilk and thereb...
All ages
NPO number 093139. We provide long term, sustainable help for pre-schools in very poor areasNPO number 093139. We provide long term, sustainable help for pre-schools in very ...
NPO number 093139. We provide long term, sustainable help for pre-school...NPO number 093139. We provide long term, sustainable help for ...
From Birth - 6 yrs old
Cupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer national Cupcake Day 28 SeptemberCupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer national Cupcake Day 28 September
Cupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer national Cupcake Day 28 SeptemberCupcakes 4 Kids with Cancer national Cupcake Day 28 September
All ages
Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. We give talks and slide shows at schools, and other functions.Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. We give talks and slide shows at schools, and othe...
Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. We give talks and slide shows at schools...Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. We give talks and slide shows ...
From 5 yrs - All ages
Reading & literacy charity for kids from disadvantaged backgroundsReading & literacy charity for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds
Reading & literacy charity for kids from disadvantaged backgroundsReading & literacy charity for kids from disadvantaged backgro...
All ages
Faith based organisation bringing real hope for the future to thousands of people from previously disa...Faith based organisation bringing real hope for the future to thousands of people ...
Faith based organisation bringing real hope for the future to thousands ...Faith based organisation bringing real hope for the future to ...
From Birth - All ages
The National Body for Autism in South Africa aspires to achieving a society in which persons with (ASD...The National Body for Autism in South Africa aspires to achieving a society in whi...
The National Body for Autism in South Africa aspires to achieving a soci...The National Body for Autism in South Africa aspires to achiev...
From Birth - All ages
We create Extraordinary experiences for disadvantaged & underprivileged children, exposing them to a w...We create Extraordinary experiences for disadvantaged & underprivileged children, ...
We create Extraordinary experiences for disadvantaged & underprivileged ...We create Extraordinary experiences for disadvantaged & underp...
From 2 - 6 yrs old
Registered charity - orphanage, charity shops in MelvilleRegistered charity - orphanage, charity shops in Melville
Registered charity - orphanage, charity shops in MelvilleRegistered charity - orphanage, charity shops in Melville
From Birth - All ages
A special school in Auckland Park for Blind, Low Vision and Multiple Disability Children, offering in...A special school in Auckland Park for Blind, Low Vision and Multiple Disability C...
A special school in Auckland Park for Blind, Low Vision and Multiple Di...A special school in Auckland Park for Blind, Low Vision and M...
From 4 - 13 yrs old
NPO - effective program that teaches kids all the necessary life skills and safetyNPO - effective program that teaches kids all the necessary life skills and safety
NPO - effective program that teaches kids all the necessary life skills ...NPO - effective program that teaches kids all the necessary li...
All ages
Cotlands provides early learning opportunities to vulnerable children across the country.Cotlands provides early learning opportunities to vulnerable children across the c...
Cotlands provides early learning opportunities to vulnerable children ac...Cotlands provides early learning opportunities to vulnerable c...
All ages
Farm parties, day trips and educational tours for kids, families and schools to meet the rescued farm ...Farm parties, day trips and educational tours for kids, families and schools to me...
Farm parties, day trips and educational tours for kids, families and sch...Farm parties, day trips and educational tours for kids, famili...
All ages
We enchant, inspire and empower South African children to become leaders and performers through our th...We enchant, inspire and empower South African children to become leaders and perfo...
We enchant, inspire and empower South African children to become leaders...We enchant, inspire and empower South African children to beco...
From 7 - 17 yrs old
HEF is founded for the sole purpose of holistically changing and empowering communities, families and ...HEF is founded for the sole purpose of holistically changing and empowering commun...
HEF is founded for the sole purpose of holistically changing and empower...HEF is founded for the sole purpose of holistically changing a...
All ages
Charity organisation - fundraising, sponsoring & education about guide dogs for the blindCharity organisation - fundraising, sponsoring & education about guide dogs for th...
Charity organisation - fundraising, sponsoring & education about guide d...Charity organisation - fundraising, sponsoring & education abo...
Child abuse and youth diversion programme, school talks, training, anger managementChild abuse and youth diversion programme, school talks, training, anger management
Child abuse and youth diversion programme, school talks, training, anger...Child abuse and youth diversion programme, school talks, train...
From 3 - 18 yrs old
NPO - The primary goal of the Africa Voices Trust is to identify, educate and grow Africa's musical st...NPO - The primary goal of the Africa Voices Trust is to identify, educate and grow...
NPO - The primary goal of the Africa Voices Trust is to identify, educat...NPO - The primary goal of the Africa Voices Trust is to identi...
From 14 - 18 yrs old
Registered NGO assisting kids with special needs, offering respite for families, wheelchairs, necessit...Registered NGO assisting kids with special needs, offering respite for families, w...
Registered NGO assisting kids with special needs, offering respite for f...Registered NGO assisting kids with special needs, offering res...
From Birth - 18 yrs old
Non profit company (NPC) in animal rescue and as an educational centre.Non profit company (NPC) in animal rescue and as an educational centre.
Non profit company (NPC) in animal rescue and as an educational centre.Non profit company (NPC) in animal rescue and as an educationa...
All ages
NPO focusing on creating a caring society, respect for human rights, teaching about prejudice, rasicm,...NPO focusing on creating a caring society, respect for human rights, teaching abou...
NPO focusing on creating a caring society, respect for human rights, tea...NPO focusing on creating a caring society, respect for human r...
All ages
Common-sense guide to help your children live a happier life, and help them and you help others to do ...Common-sense guide to help your children live a happier life, and help them and yo...
Common-sense guide to help your children live a happier life, and help t...Common-sense guide to help your children live a happier life, ...
From 8 yrs - All ages
Kids Haven cares for street children and other kids in dire straits.Kids Haven cares for street children and other kids in dire straits.
Kids Haven cares for street children and other kids in dire straits.Kids Haven cares for street children and other kids in dire st...
From 3 - 18 yrs old
Non-profit organisation establishing feeding ,education and building programs in townships. Non-profit organisation establishing feeding ,education and building programs in t...
Non-profit organisation establishing feeding ,education and building pro...Non-profit organisation establishing feeding ,education and bu...
From Birth - All ages
Hospice, home-based care, in patient unit, AIDS and orphan care, HospiceWits shops, Johannesburg incl ...Hospice, home-based care, in patient unit, AIDS and orphan care, HospiceWits shops...
Hospice, home-based care, in patient unit, AIDS and orphan care, Hospice...Hospice, home-based care, in patient unit, AIDS and orphan car...
All ages
child care charity in Johannesburg - emphasis on optimal development of traumatised children.child care charity in Johannesburg - emphasis on optimal development of traumatise...
child care charity in Johannesburg - emphasis on optimal development of ...child care charity in Johannesburg - emphasis on optimal devel...
From Birth - 18 yrs old
We are a hospice caring for terminally ill, destitute children and adults affected and infected by ...We are a hospice caring for terminally ill, destitute children and adults affect...
We are a hospice caring for terminally ill, destitute children and adul...We are a hospice caring for terminally ill, destitute childre...
From Birth - All ages
Exhibits & programmes that stimulate physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth of young childr...Exhibits & programmes that stimulate physical, cognitive, social, and emotional gr...
Exhibits & programmes that stimulate physical, cognitive, social, and em...Exhibits & programmes that stimulate physical, cognitive, soci...
From Birth - 11 yrs old
Providing a structured environment that supports and enhances each learners potential. The programme ...Providing a structured environment that supports and enhances each learners potent...
Providing a structured environment that supports and enhances each learn...Providing a structured environment that supports and enhances ...
All ages
St Vincent has a proud history of educating deaf children for the past 75 years. We adopt a child-cent...St Vincent has a proud history of educating deaf children for the past 75 years. W...
St Vincent has a proud history of educating deaf children for the past 7...St Vincent has a proud history of educating deaf children for ...
From 2 - 18 yrs old
NPO creating opportunity for our youth to learn, grow and participate in equestrian sportNPO creating opportunity for our youth to learn, grow and participate in equestria...
NPO creating opportunity for our youth to learn, grow and participate in...NPO creating opportunity for our youth to learn, grow and part...
All ages
Contributing in the improvement of homelessness and feeding the hungry is one of the existing long-ter...Contributing in the improvement of homelessness and feeding the hungry is one of t...
Contributing in the improvement of homelessness and feeding the hungry i...Contributing in the improvement of homelessness and feeding th...
From 18 yrs - All ages
NGO that aims to provide nutrition to school kids to promote learning and concentration. NGO that aims to provide nutrition to school kids to promote learning and concentr...
NGO that aims to provide nutrition to school kids to promote learning an...NGO that aims to provide nutrition to school kids to promote l...
All ages
Jakaranda Kinderhuis is an NPO that cares for children placed in our care by the Children's Court and ...Jakaranda Kinderhuis is an NPO that cares for children placed in our care by the C...
Jakaranda Kinderhuis is an NPO that cares for children placed in our car...Jakaranda Kinderhuis is an NPO that cares for children placed ...
Animal welfare, clinic, animal shelter.Animal welfare, clinic, animal shelter.
Animal welfare, clinic, animal shelter.Animal welfare, clinic, animal shelter.
24 Hour Helpline, Counselling, Parenting Skills, Play Therapy, School Talks, Referrals24 Hour Helpline, Counselling, Parenting Skills, Play Therapy, School Talks, Refer...
24 Hour Helpline, Counselling, Parenting Skills, Play Therapy, School Ta...24 Hour Helpline, Counselling, Parenting Skills, Play Therapy,...
From Birth - All ages
Free therapeutic horse riding & other interactive equine therapies for physically and mentally challen...Free therapeutic horse riding & other interactive equine therapies for physically ...
Free therapeutic horse riding & other interactive equine therapies for p...Free therapeutic horse riding & other interactive equine thera...
From 4 yrs - All ages
Charity - residential care for 64 children who have been placed through the regional courts.Charity - residential care for 64 children who have been placed through the region...
Charity - residential care for 64 children who have been placed through ...Charity - residential care for 64 children who have been place...
From 3 - 18 yrs old
A leading non-profit organisation, helps kids with life-threatening illnesses reach for their dreams.A leading non-profit organisation, helps kids with life-threatening illnesses reac...
A leading non-profit organisation, helps kids with life-threatening illn...A leading non-profit organisation, helps kids with life-threat...
From 3 - 18 yrs old
Animal charity and rescue organisation and animal shelterAnimal charity and rescue organisation and animal shelter
Animal charity and rescue organisation and animal shelterAnimal charity and rescue organisation and animal shelter
Professional children's theatre productions, theatre shows for families and kids birthday party venue.Professional children's theatre productions, theatre shows for families and kids b...
Professional children's theatre productions, theatre shows for families ...Professional children's theatre productions, theatre shows for...
A school for special needs children which offers therapy, extra mural activities & an integrated learn...A school for special needs children which offers therapy, extra mural activities &...
A school for special needs children which offers therapy, extra mural ac...A school for special needs children which offers therapy, extr...
Non-profit organisation - largest disaster relief organisation of African origin on the African continentNon-profit organisation - largest disaster relief organisation of African origin o...
Non-profit organisation - largest disaster relief organisation of Africa...Non-profit organisation - largest disaster relief organisation...
All ages
Providing lower resourced parents of children with autism with FREE comprehensive training on best edu...Providing lower resourced parents of children with autism with FREE comprehensive ...
Providing lower resourced parents of children with autism with FREE comp...Providing lower resourced parents of children with autism with...
From 1 - 15 yrs old
We help children and adults with intellectual disabilities with support, income generating programs, t...We help children and adults with intellectual disabilities with support, income ge...
We help children and adults with intellectual disabilities with support,...We help children and adults with intellectual disabilities wit...
From 2 - 10 yrs old
We are a children's home catering to children who are either orphaned, abandoned or whose mothers are ...We are a children's home catering to children who are either orphaned, abandoned o...
We are a children's home catering to children who are either orphaned, a...We are a children's home catering to children who are either o...
All ages
Ogle Foundation is established to promote opportunities that would support, connect and grow NPOs thro...Ogle Foundation is established to promote opportunities that would support, connec...
Ogle Foundation is established to promote opportunities that would suppo...Ogle Foundation is established to promote opportunities that w...
All ages
Charity for child burn victimsCharity for child burn victims
Charity for child burn victimsCharity for child burn victims
All ages
Cheetah and wildlife Centre for a family trip, educational tour to see wildlife.Cheetah and wildlife Centre for a family trip, educational tour to see wildlife.
Cheetah and wildlife Centre for a family trip, educational tour to see w...Cheetah and wildlife Centre for a family trip, educational tou...
From 6 yrs - All ages
Non profit company, dealing with orphaned wildlife and using the animals as a medium for education par...Non profit company, dealing with orphaned wildlife and using the animals as a medi...
Non profit company, dealing with orphaned wildlife and using the animals...Non profit company, dealing with orphaned wildlife and using t...
From 12 yrs - All ages
Fun.non-fearful, positive life skills programmes, bully and abuse prevention programmesFun.non-fearful, positive life skills programmes, bully and abuse prevention progr...
Fun.non-fearful, positive life skills programmes, bully and abuse preven...Fun.non-fearful, positive life skills programmes, bully and ab...
From 3 - 9 yrs old
Non-profit, pro-life, rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing facility in Gauteng, South AfricaNon-profit, pro-life, rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing facility in Gauteng, So...
Non-profit, pro-life, rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing facility in G...Non-profit, pro-life, rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing fac...
We offer services for abused, abandoned neglected and orphaned babies and childrenWe offer services for abused, abandoned neglected and orphaned babies and children
We offer services for abused, abandoned neglected and orphaned babies an...We offer services for abused, abandoned neglected and orphaned...
From Birth - All ages
Sandton & Eastern Metro Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsSandton & Eastern Metro Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Sandton & Eastern Metro Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsSandton & Eastern Metro Society for the Prevention of Cruelty ...
All ages
Support groups for parents and families of children with cancer & other blood disorders.Support groups for parents and families of children with cancer & other blood diso...
Support groups for parents and families of children with cancer & other ...Support groups for parents and families of children with cance...
All ages
Educational and psychotherapy trust providing training and services to improve the emotional developme...Educational and psychotherapy trust providing training and services to improve the...
Educational and psychotherapy trust providing training and services to i...Educational and psychotherapy trust providing training and ser...
From Birth - All ages
NPO animal rescue, rehabilitation, shelterNPO animal rescue, rehabilitation, shelter
NPO animal rescue, rehabilitation, shelterNPO animal rescue, rehabilitation, shelter
All ages
Visit education to find a list of pre-schools, primary and high schools plus educational shows with meaningful messages for schools and parties.