Find the ideal preschool for your child. Browse the list below and click the blue school names for details.
Private school. Crawford International Sandton offers each student a personalised, mentored, learning ...Private school. Crawford International Sandton offers each student a personalised,...
Private school. Crawford International Sandton offers each student a per...Private school. Crawford International Sandton offers each stu...
From 4 - 18 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Petervale. Every child's dream home away from home...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Petervale. Every child's dream...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Petervale. Every chi...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Petervale....
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Nursery school with personalised curriculum, English, Zulu, Afrik, secure,Halaal meals, transport, fir...Nursery school with personalised curriculum, English, Zulu, Afrik, secure,Halaal m...
Nursery school with personalised curriculum, English, Zulu, Afrik, secur...Nursery school with personalised curriculum, English, Zulu, Af...
From 6 mnths - 6 yrs old
Douglasdale, Bryanston, Fourways, Sandown, Sandton
Montessori nursery schools (with holiday & after care) in Fourways, Bryanston, Magaliessig & Sandton.Montessori nursery schools (with holiday & after care) in Fourways, Bryanston, Mag...
Montessori nursery schools (with holiday & after care) in Fourways, Brya...Montessori nursery schools (with holiday & after care) in Four...
From 18 mnths - 5 yrs old
Private school. Crawford International Bryanston offers each student a personalised, mentored, learnin...Private school. Crawford International Bryanston offers each student a personalise...
Private school. Crawford International Bryanston offers each student a p...Private school. Crawford International Bryanston offers each s...
From 2 - 6 yrs old
Nursery school with small groups, individual attention, soccer, sharp shooters, holiday careNursery school with small groups, individual attention, soccer, sharp shooters, ho...
Nursery school with small groups, individual attention, soccer, sharp sh...Nursery school with small groups, individual attention, soccer...
From 18 mnths - 6 yrs old
Fully registered ECD and Partial Care Centre with the Department of Social Development & Department of...Fully registered ECD and Partial Care Centre with the Department of Social Develop...
Fully registered ECD and Partial Care Centre with the Department of Soci...Fully registered ECD and Partial Care Centre with the Departme...
From 2 - 6 yrs old
Christian School - Where leadership, learning and legacy shine.Christian School - Where leadership, learning and legacy shine.
Christian School - Where leadership, learning and legacy shine.Christian School - Where leadership, learning and legacy shine.
From 5 - 14 yrs old
Private school. Crawford International Fourways offers each student a personalised, mentored, learning...Private school. Crawford International Fourways offers each student a personalised...
Private school. Crawford International Fourways offers each student a pe...Private school. Crawford International Fourways offers each st...
From 3 - 13 yrs old
A Christ centered private school offering an alternate method of teaching (Charlotte Mason).A Christ centered private school offering an alternate method of teaching (Charlot...
A Christ centered private school offering an alternate method of teachin...A Christ centered private school offering an alternate method ...
From 5 - 13 yrs old
Private education in a contemporary and progressive environment. Developing a generation of creative t...Private education in a contemporary and progressive environment. Developing a gene...
Private education in a contemporary and progressive environment. Develop...Private education in a contemporary and progressive environmen...
From 6 mnths - 18 yrs old
Kindergarten, Primary School and High SchoolKindergarten, Primary School and High School
Kindergarten, Primary School and High SchoolKindergarten, Primary School and High School
From 18 mnths - 18 yrs old
An independent all-boys school educating boys from year 000 to matric. Our commitment is to provide ed...An independent all-boys school educating boys from year 000 to matric. Our commitm...
An independent all-boys school educating boys from year 000 to matric. O...An independent all-boys school educating boys from year 000 to...
From 3 - 18 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Woodmead. Every child's dream home away from home....Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Woodmead. Every child's dream ...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Woodmead. Every chil...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Woodmead. ...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
We are an Innovative, multi-cultural, modern private kindergarten, primary & high school, from playgro...We are an Innovative, multi-cultural, modern private kindergarten, primary & high ...
We are an Innovative, multi-cultural, modern private kindergarten, prima...We are an Innovative, multi-cultural, modern private kindergar...
From 3 mnths - 18 yrs old
Nursery School, Creche and Baby Care Centre.Nursery School, Creche and Baby Care Centre.
Nursery School, Creche and Baby Care Centre.Nursery School, Creche and Baby Care Centre.
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Creche, Nursery school and Aftercare offering a safe and happy environment for your children.Creche, Nursery school and Aftercare offering a safe and happy environment for you...
Creche, Nursery school and Aftercare offering a safe and happy environme...Creche, Nursery school and Aftercare offering a safe and happy...
From 6 wks - 6 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 6 wks - 5 yrs old
Bedfordview, Malvern, Bedfordview, Germiston; Kensington, Linbro Park, Sandton
Leading provider of early childhood education, delivering personalised and tailored educational progra...Leading provider of early childhood education, delivering personalised and tailore...
Leading provider of early childhood education, delivering personalised a...Leading provider of early childhood education, delivering pers...
From 6 mnths - 6 yrs old
Vibrant bilingual German-English kindergarten nestled within the heart of Lutheran Church North Rand. ...Vibrant bilingual German-English kindergarten nestled within the heart of Lutheran...
Vibrant bilingual German-English kindergarten nestled within the heart o...Vibrant bilingual German-English kindergarten nestled within t...
From 18 mnths - 5 yrs old
Daycare and creche providing a fun & safe place for your little ones.Daycare and creche providing a fun & safe place for your little ones.
Daycare and creche providing a fun & safe place for your little ones.Daycare and creche providing a fun & safe place for your littl...
From 3 mnths - 5 yrs old
Preschool, kindergarten, creche, early childhood development in a loving, nurturing environment. Preschool, kindergarten, creche, early childhood development in a loving, nurturin...
Preschool, kindergarten, creche, early childhood development in a loving...Preschool, kindergarten, creche, early childhood development i...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 6 wks - 5 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 6 wks - 5 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 2 - 5 yrs old
A dedicated preschool with a mission to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment that supports ...A dedicated preschool with a mission to provide a nurturing and stimulating enviro...
A dedicated preschool with a mission to provide a nurturing and stimulat...A dedicated preschool with a mission to provide a nurturing an...
From 3 mnths - 5 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Bryanston. Happy children are active children and ...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Bryanston. Happy children are ...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Bryanston. Happy chi...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Bryanston....
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, African-centred, technology-focused priva...Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, African-centred, tech...
Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, African-cen...Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, A...
From 18 mnths - 18 yrs old
Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, African-centred, technology-focused priva...Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, African-centred, tech...
Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, African-cen...Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, A...
From 18 mnths - 18 yrs old
Bedfordview, Germiston; Houghton, Carlswald, Midrand; Fairland, Randburg; Bryanst...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experienced and warm ...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 6 wks - 6 yrs old
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a warm, caring environment that nurtures th...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a warm, caring environm...
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a warm, carin...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a w...
From 3 - 13 yrs old
Private school. Crawford International Bedfordview offers each student a personalised, mentored, learn...Private school. Crawford International Bedfordview offers each student a personali...
Private school. Crawford International Bedfordview offers each student a...Private school. Crawford International Bedfordview offers each...
From 3 - 18 yrs old
Bespoke nursery school with a difference. My World is your family's safe space where we provide a nurt...Bespoke nursery school with a difference. My World is your family's safe space whe...
Bespoke nursery school with a difference. My World is your family's safe...Bespoke nursery school with a difference. My World is your fam...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
HEPS provides an exceptional and affordable level of education for babies to grade R! Our kiddies exce...HEPS provides an exceptional and affordable level of education for babies to grade...
HEPS provides an exceptional and affordable level of education for babie...HEPS provides an exceptional and affordable level of education...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 18 mnths - 6 yrs old
A Montessori environment that affords each student the opportunity to determine his or her own individ...A Montessori environment that affords each student the opportunity to determine hi...
A Montessori environment that affords each student the opportunity to de...A Montessori environment that affords each student the opportu...
From 6 - 12 yrs old
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that prepares students for success in the 21st...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that prepares students for...
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that prepares st...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that p...
From 3 - 13 yrs old
Well established Montessori Toddler, Preschool and Primary School offering world class, unrivaled educ...Well established Montessori Toddler, Preschool and Primary School offering world c...
Well established Montessori Toddler, Preschool and Primary School offeri...Well established Montessori Toddler, Preschool and Primary Sch...
From 6 mnths - 13 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 6 wks - 5 yrs old
Preschool providing a nurturing and educational environment shaped by premium care and the Montessori ...Preschool providing a nurturing and educational environment shaped by premium care...
Preschool providing a nurturing and educational environment shaped by pr...Preschool providing a nurturing and educational environment sh...
From 3 - 6 yrs old
Our nursery schools in Johannesburg offer fun interactive lessons with qualitifed teachers plus a rang...Our nursery schools in Johannesburg offer fun interactive lessons with qualitifed ...
Our nursery schools in Johannesburg offer fun interactive lessons with q...Our nursery schools in Johannesburg offer fun interactive less...
From 1 - 6 yrs old
Preschool educating leaders of the future in a nurturing and loving way.Preschool educating leaders of the future in a nurturing and loving way.
Preschool educating leaders of the future in a nurturing and loving way.Preschool educating leaders of the future in a nurturing and l...
From Birth - 5 yrs old
Knights is an authentic Christian preschool, preparatory and high school offering a future focused & h...Knights is an authentic Christian preschool, preparatory and high school offering ...
Knights is an authentic Christian preschool, preparatory and high school...Knights is an authentic Christian preschool, preparatory and h...
From 2 - 18 yrs old
Our kindergarten is a home away from home for 1-6yr olds. We offer small-sized classes run with the i...Our kindergarten is a home away from home for 1-6yr olds. We offer small-sized cl...
Our kindergarten is a home away from home for 1-6yr olds. We offer smal...Our kindergarten is a home away from home for 1-6yr olds. We ...
From 4 mnths - 5 yrs old
Pre-school, creche, nursery school with a loving, nurturing environment.Pre-school, creche, nursery school with a loving, nurturing environment.
Pre-school, creche, nursery school with a loving, nurturing environment.Pre-school, creche, nursery school with a loving, nurturing en...
From Birth - 4 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 6 wks - 5 yrs old
Therapeutic academy for children with special needs. We make use of a variety of therapies, including ...Therapeutic academy for children with special needs. We make use of a variety of t...
Therapeutic academy for children with special needs. We make use of a va...Therapeutic academy for children with special needs. We make u...
From 3 - 10 yrs old
Home-study centres with a nurturing environment. Normal and assisted learning available. Home-study centres with a nurturing environment. Normal and assisted learning avai...
Home-study centres with a nurturing environment. Normal and assisted lea...Home-study centres with a nurturing environment. Normal and as...
From 5 - 18 yrs old
An inclusive, diverse, play-based nursery school with South African roots.An inclusive, diverse, play-based nursery school with South African roots.
An inclusive, diverse, play-based nursery school with South African roots.An inclusive, diverse, play-based nursery school with South Af...
From 12 mnths - 6 yrs old
Best Daycare & Kindergarten offering ECD and educational services in the area of Boksburg, Delmore Par...Best Daycare & Kindergarten offering ECD and educational services in the area of B...
Best Daycare & Kindergarten offering ECD and educational services in the...Best Daycare & Kindergarten offering ECD and educational servi...
From 18 mnths - 5 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Norwood. Every child's dream home away from home. ...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Norwood. Every child's dream h...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Norwood. Every child...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Norwood. E...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
International primary education. Cambridge based curriculum. A careful balance between traditional val...International primary education. Cambridge based curriculum. A careful balance bet...
International primary education. Cambridge based curriculum. A careful b...International primary education. Cambridge based curriculum. A...
From 3 - 13 yrs old
Preschool with large open spaces, Pine trees, fresh air and unique classrooms. A beautiful, fully inde...Preschool with large open spaces, Pine trees, fresh air and unique classrooms. A b...
Preschool with large open spaces, Pine trees, fresh air and unique class...Preschool with large open spaces, Pine trees, fresh air and un...
From 18 mnths - 5 yrs old
Private cottage school offering quality education in a learner focused environment. We meet our learne...Private cottage school offering quality education in a learner focused environment...
Private cottage school offering quality education in a learner focused e...Private cottage school offering quality education in a learner...
From 4 - 18 yrs old
Orban is a private school with both Afrikaans and English teaching streams. The school is nestled in t...Orban is a private school with both Afrikaans and English teaching streams. The sc...
Orban is a private school with both Afrikaans and English teaching strea...Orban is a private school with both Afrikaans and English teac...
From 4 mnths - 13 yrs old
Nursery school and primary school providing montessori education, extra murals & half-day or full-day ...Nursery school and primary school providing montessori education, extra murals & h...
Nursery school and primary school providing montessori education, extra ...Nursery school and primary school providing montessori educati...
From 18 mnths - 12 yrs old
The most preferred preschool and aftercare since 1984.The most preferred preschool and aftercare since 1984.
The most preferred preschool and aftercare since 1984.The most preferred preschool and aftercare since 1984.
From 3 mnths - 9 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Bucchleuch. Every child's dream home away from hom...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Bucchleuch. Every child's drea...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Bucchleuch. Every ch...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Bucchleuch...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Cottage school from Grade 000 to Grade 11 offering CAPS curriculum, Special needs programs, aftercare,...Cottage school from Grade 000 to Grade 11 offering CAPS curriculum, Special needs ...
Cottage school from Grade 000 to Grade 11 offering CAPS curriculum, Spec...Cottage school from Grade 000 to Grade 11 offering CAPS curric...
From 3 yrs - All ages
Cambridge International School offering an exceptional learning environment.Cambridge International School offering an exceptional learning environment.
Cambridge International School offering an exceptional learning environm...Cambridge International School offering an exceptional learnin...
From 12 mnths - 13 yrs old
Catholic school for boys located in Bedfordview. Caters for boys from Grade 00 to 12. Rich heritage, f...Catholic school for boys located in Bedfordview. Caters for boys from Grade 00 to ...
Catholic school for boys located in Bedfordview. Caters for boys from Gr...Catholic school for boys located in Bedfordview. Caters for bo...
From 5 - 18 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Woodmead. Every child's dream home away from home....Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Woodmead. Every child's dream ...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Woodmead. Every chil...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Woodmead. ...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, African-centred, technology-focused priva...Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, African-centred, tech...
Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, African-cen...Network of independent schools offering quality, affordable, A...
From 18 mnths - 18 yrs old
Rosebank, Norwood, Linden, Northriding, Randburg; Bryanston, Bryanston, Buccleuch...
Little Ashford nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care is every child's dream home away from ...Little Ashford nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care is every child's d...
Little Ashford nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care is every...Little Ashford nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday car...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Established Daycare & Preschool. Loving Home Away From Home.Established Daycare & Preschool. Loving Home Away From Home.
Established Daycare & Preschool. Loving Home Away From Home.Established Daycare & Preschool. Loving Home Away From Home.
From 11 mnths - 5 yrs old
A top independent girls-only day and boarding school and co-educational preschool.A top independent girls-only day and boarding school and co-educational preschool.
A top independent girls-only day and boarding school and co-educational ...A top independent girls-only day and boarding school and co-ed...
From 3 mnths - 18 yrs old
Supportive mainstream education for Grades 1-12, with a skills-based program for learners needing extr...Supportive mainstream education for Grades 1-12, with a skills-based program for l...
Supportive mainstream education for Grades 1-12, with a skills-based pro...Supportive mainstream education for Grades 1-12, with a skills...
From 6 - 18 yrs old
Christian Nursery school, playschool, playgroup and grade R with holiday care. Christian Nursery school, playschool, playgroup and grade R with holiday care.
Christian Nursery school, playschool, playgroup and grade R with holida...Christian Nursery school, playschool, playgroup and grade R w...
From 8 mnths - 6 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in North Riding. Every child's dream home away from h...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in North Riding. Every child's dr...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in North Riding. Every ...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in North Ridi...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
A small school focusing on individual attention, it is a home away from home where children can play a...A small school focusing on individual attention, it is a home away from home where...
A small school focusing on individual attention, it is a home away from ...A small school focusing on individual attention, it is a home ...
From 3 mnths - 5 yrs old
Alternative Learning Centre focusing on individual needs of each learner, CAPS curriculum.Alternative Learning Centre focusing on individual needs of each learner, CAPS cur...
Alternative Learning Centre focusing on individual needs of each learner...Alternative Learning Centre focusing on individual needs of ea...
From 5 - 18 yrs old
Our contemporary private preschool, preparatory and high school is doing education differently. We str...Our contemporary private preschool, preparatory and high school is doing education...
Our contemporary private preschool, preparatory and high school is doing...Our contemporary private preschool, preparatory and high schoo...
From 3 mnths - 16 yrs old
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a warm, caring environment that nurtures th...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a warm, caring environm...
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a warm, carin...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a w...
From 3 - 13 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 6 wks - 5 yrs old
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a warm, caring environment that nurtures th...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a warm, caring environm...
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a warm, carin...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum in a w...
From 3 - 13 yrs old
Bryanston, Fourways, Lonehill, Fourways, Lonehill, Lonehill, Sandton; Pretoria / ...
Private school. Crawford International offers each student a personalised, mentored, learning journey ...Private school. Crawford International offers each student a personalised, mentore...
Private school. Crawford International offers each student a personalise...Private school. Crawford International offers each student a p...
From 18 mnths - 18 yrs old
Kids Party Venue And Nursery School In MidrandKids Party Venue And Nursery School In Midrand
Kids Party Venue And Nursery School In MidrandKids Party Venue And Nursery School In Midrand
All ages
Waterfall City, Waterfall City, Mulbarton, Johannesburg South; Emmarentia, Randburg
Established Montessori preschools, purpose-built and fully equipped to the highest standards to help s...Established Montessori preschools, purpose-built and fully equipped to the highest...
Established Montessori preschools, purpose-built and fully equipped to t...Established Montessori preschools, purpose-built and fully equ...
From 18 mnths - 6 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Moreleta Park. Every child's dream home away from ...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Moreleta Park. Every child's d...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Moreleta Park. Every...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Moreleta P...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 1 - 6 yrs old
A loving, caring environment ensuring a high standard of childcare, education and learning. A loving, caring environment ensuring a high standard of childcare, education and ...
A loving, caring environment ensuring a high standard of childcare, educ...A loving, caring environment ensuring a high standard of child...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Leaders in Future Focused Education. St Dominic's is an independent Catholic school for girlsLeaders in Future Focused Education. St Dominic's is an independent Catholic schoo...
Leaders in Future Focused Education. St Dominic's is an independent Cath...Leaders in Future Focused Education. St Dominic's is an indepe...
From 2 - 18 yrs old
Our school seeks to maintain traditional values while preparing our students for an ever-changing worl...Our school seeks to maintain traditional values while preparing our students for a...
Our school seeks to maintain traditional values while preparing our stud...Our school seeks to maintain traditional values while preparin...
From 6 - 18 yrs old
Montessori Nursery School located in the heart of SandtonMontessori Nursery School located in the heart of Sandton
Montessori Nursery School located in the heart of SandtonMontessori Nursery School located in the heart of Sandton
From 1 - 6 yrs old
Lonehill, Lonehill, Lonehill, Sandton
Private school. Crawford International Lonehill offers each student a personalised, mentored, learning...Private school. Crawford International Lonehill offers each student a personalised...
Private school. Crawford International Lonehill offers each student a pe...Private school. Crawford International Lonehill offers each st...
From 4 - 18 yrs old
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that prepares students for success in the 21st...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that prepares students for...
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that prepares st...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that p...
From 3 - 13 yrs old
Creche, Toddler Playgroup and Pre-primary. Weekly Clinic checks on babies, specialist therapies on si...Creche, Toddler Playgroup and Pre-primary. Weekly Clinic checks on babies, specia...
Creche, Toddler Playgroup and Pre-primary. Weekly Clinic checks on babi...Creche, Toddler Playgroup and Pre-primary. Weekly Clinic chec...
From Birth - 5 yrs old
Independent School grade R-7 with Aftercare Centre. Tutor Centre Gr. R to Gr. 12Independent School grade R-7 with Aftercare Centre. Tutor Centre Gr. R to Gr. 12
Independent School grade R-7 with Aftercare Centre. Tutor Centre Gr. R t...Independent School grade R-7 with Aftercare Centre. Tutor Cent...
From 3 mnths - 18 yrs old
Nursery school, daycare, holiday club & drop and shop Nursery school, daycare, holiday club & drop and shop
Nursery school, daycare, holiday club & drop and shop Nursery school, daycare, holiday club & drop and shop
From 6 wks - 6 yrs old
Playgroup offering a personal touch to your child's early development in a small class of 10 to 15 chi...Playgroup offering a personal touch to your child's early development in a small c...
Playgroup offering a personal touch to your child's early development in...Playgroup offering a personal touch to your child's early deve...
Kindergarten located on a magnificent country estate in Fourways.Kindergarten located on a magnificent country estate in Fourways.
Kindergarten located on a magnificent country estate in Fourways.Kindergarten located on a magnificent country estate in Fourways.
From Birth - 6 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Linden. Every child's dream home away from home. H...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Linden. Every child's dream ho...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Linden. Every child'...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Linden. Ev...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Creche, preschool and community care center servicing those in the Kya Sands areaCreche, preschool and community care center servicing those in the Kya Sands area
Creche, preschool and community care center servicing those in the Kya S...Creche, preschool and community care center servicing those in...
From 2 - 7 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 6 wks - 5 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Rosebank. Every child's dream home away from home....Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Rosebank. Every child's dream ...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Rosebank. Every chil...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Rosebank. ...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Our school is a true country style, home away from home, where children learn polite behavior and exce...Our school is a true country style, home away from home, where children learn poli...
Our school is a true country style, home away from home, where children ...Our school is a true country style, home away from home, where...
From 12 mnths - 6 yrs old
An innovative Reggio-inspired Playgroup & Preschool in Johannesburg, South Africa An innovative Reggio-inspired Playgroup & Preschool in Johannesburg, South Africa
An innovative Reggio-inspired Playgroup & Preschool in Johannesburg, Sou...An innovative Reggio-inspired Playgroup & Preschool in Johanne...
Nursery school, Day care, child care, creche Horison, Helderkruin, Roodepoort, West Rand, Pre school, ...Nursery school, Day care, child care, creche Horison, Helderkruin, Roodepoort, Wes...
Nursery school, Day care, child care, creche Horison, Helderkruin, Roode...Nursery school, Day care, child care, creche Horison, Helderkr...
From 3 mnths - 5 yrs old
Pre-primary school, nursery school, creche and aftercare centre.Pre-primary school, nursery school, creche and aftercare centre.
Pre-primary school, nursery school, creche and aftercare centre.Pre-primary school, nursery school, creche and aftercare centre.
From 1 - 6 yrs old
A Waldorf, alternative, private non-profit school for children from baby care to 18 yrs oldA Waldorf, alternative, private non-profit school for children from baby care to 1...
A Waldorf, alternative, private non-profit school for children from baby...A Waldorf, alternative, private non-profit school for children...
From 4 mnths - 18 yrs old
Co-educational school from Grade R to Grade 7 that offers intervention to remediate difficulties, exce...Co-educational school from Grade R to Grade 7 that offers intervention to remediat...
Co-educational school from Grade R to Grade 7 that offers intervention t...Co-educational school from Grade R to Grade 7 that offers inte...
From 5 - 13 yrs old
Private school with a Christian ethos, using the CAPS curriclum, offering from Grade 000 to grade 8. Private school with a Christian ethos, using the CAPS curriclum, offering from Gra...
Private school with a Christian ethos, using the CAPS curriclum, offerin...Private school with a Christian ethos, using the CAPS curriclu...
From 2 - 14 yrs old
Private school. Crawford International Ruimsig offers each student a personalised, mentored, learning ...Private school. Crawford International Ruimsig offers each student a personalised,...
Private school. Crawford International Ruimsig offers each student a per...Private school. Crawford International Ruimsig offers each stu...
From 3 - 18 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Sandton. Every child's dream home away from home. ...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Sandton. Every child's dream h...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Sandton. Every child...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Sandton. E...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Florida Park. Every child's dream home away from h...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Florida Park. Every child's dr...
Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Florida Park. Every ...Nursery school, creche, daycare and holiday care in Florida Pa...
From 3 mnths - 6 yrs old
Private school. Crawford International Pretoria offers each student a personalised, mentored, learning...Private school. Crawford International Pretoria offers each student a personalised...
Private school. Crawford International Pretoria offers each student a pe...Private school. Crawford International Pretoria offers each st...
From 4 - 18 yrs old
Daycare with a nurturing environment and all meals included.Daycare with a nurturing environment and all meals included.
Daycare with a nurturing environment and all meals included.Daycare with a nurturing environment and all meals included.
From 12 mnths - 6 yrs old
Beyerspark, Boksburg; Ormonde, Ormonde, Johannesburg South; Halfway Gardens, Carls...
Pan-African independent school network, that builds and operates world class, affordable education, of...Pan-African independent school network, that builds and operates world class, affo...
Pan-African independent school network, that builds and operates world c...Pan-African independent school network, that builds and operat...
From 2 - 18 yrs old
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that prepares students for success in the 21st...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that prepares students for...
Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that prepares st...Private school education using the Cambridge Curriculum that p...
From 3 - 13 yrs old
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, experience and warm t...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging classroom, e...
Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and engaging cl...Private preschool providing every child with a nurturing and e...
From 6 wks - 5 yrs old
Visit places to go for day trips with your family in Gauteng.
Preschools or nursery schools are a nurturing, warm and caring environment where children have their first encounters socialising with other kids and learning new things. Early childhood development is easily the most important in a child’s life.
How to use our Preschools Directory
We have organised preschools into areas to help you find a nursery school close to your home or work. You will also notice the ‘search by suburb’ button so if you wish to narrow your search down, click on the search button to search for your suburb or a suburb near you.
Which approach is best for your child
How do you decide what kind of nursery school you want for your child? There is so much on offer with an assortment of preschools or nursery schools ranging from those that follow Maria Montessori or Reggio Emilia methods, Christian or multi-denominational ones. Some schools have a huge selection of extra murals on offer while others limit the offering but focus on quality. Many of these preschools accept babies and toddlers as young as a few months old and operate as daycare centres too. With the added offering of aftercare, you can be rest assured that your little one is well looked-after and stimulated.
Begin your search
We invite you to browse our extensive listings to find the perfect preschool for your little one. Some of these preschools also rent out their venues for kids birthday parties and organise holiday care activities during the school holidays.