Find arts and crafts classes in Gauteng. Browse the list below and click on the blue company name for details.
Discover the joy of art with us! From age 3 onwards, we offer fun and creative art & craft lessons bot...Discover the joy of art with us! From age 3 onwards, we offer fun and creative art...
Discover the joy of art with us! From age 3 onwards, we offer fun and cr...Discover the joy of art with us! From age 3 onwards, we offer ...
From 3 yrs - All ages
A creative and life coaching studio restoring the importance of self-love as a daily practice amongst ...A creative and life coaching studio restoring the importance of self-love as a dai...
A creative and life coaching studio restoring the importance of self-lov...A creative and life coaching studio restoring the importance o...
From 10 yrs - All ages
Handwriting Coaching for kids and adults, online and in-person classes, quick resultsHandwriting Coaching for kids and adults, online and in-person classes, quick results
Handwriting Coaching for kids and adults, online and in-person classes, ...Handwriting Coaching for kids and adults, online and in-person...
From 5 yrs - All ages
Art Classes for Children, teens and adults by a qualified teacher.Art Classes for Children, teens and adults by a qualified teacher.
Art Classes for Children, teens and adults by a qualified teacher.Art Classes for Children, teens and adults by a qualified teac...
From 7 yrs - All ages
Art lessons for kids, teens and adults. Explore creativity through drawing,painting and sculpture. Art lessons for kids, teens and adults. Explore creativity through drawing,paintin...
Art lessons for kids, teens and adults. Explore creativity through drawi...Art lessons for kids, teens and adults. Explore creativity thr...
From 5 yrs - All ages
Art classes for children in Greenside Johannesburg Art classes for children in Greenside Johannesburg
Art classes for children in Greenside Johannesburg Art classes for children in Greenside Johannesburg
From 5 - 18 yrs old
Using a whole-child approach, this centre provides learning support in various scholastic areas, and a...Using a whole-child approach, this centre provides learning support in various sch...
Using a whole-child approach, this centre provides learning support in v...Using a whole-child approach, this centre provides learning su...
All ages
Fun and expressive art classes that teach skills, make mess and express creativity!Fun and expressive art classes that teach skills, make mess and express creativity!
Fun and expressive art classes that teach skills, make mess and express ...Fun and expressive art classes that teach skills, make mess an...
From 3 - 17 yrs old
Book now! Great interactive shows for birthday parties, schools; holiday programmes; or organize a soc...Book now! Great interactive shows for birthday parties, schools; holiday programme...
Book now! Great interactive shows for birthday parties, schools; holiday...Book now! Great interactive shows for birthday parties, school...
From 3 yrs - All ages
Our tie dye business offers unique, tie-dye themed parties/workshops and DIY party kits that promote c...Our tie dye business offers unique, tie-dye themed parties/workshops and DIY party...
Our tie dye business offers unique, tie-dye themed parties/workshops and...Our tie dye business offers unique, tie-dye themed parties/wor...
From 3 yrs - All ages
The perfect location for smaller functions, and we provide self-catering and catering options and are ...The perfect location for smaller functions, and we provide self-catering and cater...
The perfect location for smaller functions, and we provide self-catering...The perfect location for smaller functions, and we provide sel...
All ages
Our art classes give children a platform through which to develop their creativity.Our art classes give children a platform through which to develop their creativity.
Our art classes give children a platform through which to develop their ...Our art classes give children a platform through which to deve...
From 4 - 13 yrs old
Mobile Arts and Crafts for children. Ideal for parties, playdates, school fetes, markets and moreMobile Arts and Crafts for children. Ideal for parties, playdates, school fetes, m...
Mobile Arts and Crafts for children. Ideal for parties, playdates, schoo...Mobile Arts and Crafts for children. Ideal for parties, playda...
Art classes for kids in various mediums.Art classes for kids in various mediums.
Art classes for kids in various mediums.Art classes for kids in various mediums.
From 7 yrs - All ages
Visit sports coaching to find a long list of sports extra murals for your child.
How to use our arts and crafts directory
Kids learn to express themselves in various ways using different mediums including drawing, painting, canvas work, sketching and more. Art and craft classes are offered in Gauteng at times that will be suitable to parents. You will also
find craft classes including scrapbooking, sandart
puppetry lessons, beading,
textile printing and so much more.
The benefits of teaching your child arts and crafts
- Art promotes creativity. Children will rarely come up with the same idea given a certain topic or task. This shows how art opens minds which in turn help kids in all other areas of learning.
- Art can be an expression of themselves. Often art is therapeutic and may assist children who have been through trauma and difficult times.
- Confidence is developed in children over time as they learn to take pride in their work. Creating something from nothing and perfecting skills will teach children to be confident about their abilities.
- Art and crafts take time and children learn to wait for results.