From 5 years - 13 years old
16 Dundalk Avenue
Parkview Johannesburg
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Parkview Johannesburg

Mon to Fri: 7.30am-5pm
Feel free to contact us regarding our current fee structure.
Innovative primary school from Gr R-Gr 7
At Kairos, every child thrives due to our empathic and collaborative ethos, our devoted and highly skilled teachers, and our commitment to providing individual attention.
- Integrity: We model personal integrity through practising inquiry, honesty and honouring diversity.
- Mastery: We aspire for all-rounded mastery practising diligence and initiative, and by loving the experience of learning.
- Harmony: We teach social and emotional intelligence by modelling empathy, self-awareness and a passion for collaboration.
We prioritise inquiry and project-based teaching methods.
Kairos School of Inquiry takes an holistic view of every child. We allow each child to feel safe, to be seen and heard, and to feel understood. Our creative and robust approach to educating children does away with factory-oriented educational methods centred around fixed teaching agendas and rigid curricula and purely academic outcomes.
We stretch children ambitiously beyond the text book so they can achieve deeper learning and genuine understanding. Our graduates are prepared to flourish in high school because they are equipped with in-depth academic ability, advanced emotional awareness and skills to positively contribute to society. Our educational model adapts to the way society is evolving.
We are neither a conventional primary school nor a radical, fringe rejection of how schools operate. Our third, common-sense way is an integration of cutting-edge educational solutions appropriate for the 21st Century society, our children’s future. We are a role model for what school education in South Africa could be.
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