Northcliff Randburg Johannesburg
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Northcliff Randburg Johannesburg

All ages
Alberts Farm Conservancy
* About 90ha of small rocky ridges
* undulating grassland stretching down to the wetland area along the Montgomery Spruit
* The area is ideal for dog walking and kite flying while the more avid walker might enjoy exploring the spruit downstream to where it joins up with the Braamfontein Spruit
* About 139 different bird species have been spotted in the conservancy, which has a red data plant and a swathe of natural Transvaal grass.
* A network of paths weave their web across the conservancy and an hour of exploration will be well worth while.
* Some lovely small dams and patches of cool, wooded areas.
* There is also a lovely spring that rises in a rocky area of the park
Alberts farm is also used on occasions by Orienteering clubs and by church groups who hold their services in the park. Dogs are welcome but bye-laws stipulates that they should be kept on leads.
Alberts Farm Walk
Join us on 3rd Sunday of every month for 5km walk in Alberts Farm, Joburg’s 2nd green lung after Delta Park. Dogs on leads welcome. Bring own water. Meet in Car Park off 8th Street.
venue: Alberts Farm, 6th Rd West Greymont, Johannesburg
time: Walk starts 8am
cost: Donations R20
age: All
contact: Susaar Eksteen 082 674 6912/ 011 477 7114
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