Between cooking, cleaning, working, extra murals, homework, husbands and all that goes with them, and the rest of life, there really is no time. Putting everything else first just comes naturally to a mum because that’s how it’s supposed to be. Isn’t that what makes you a good mother? Making sure that everything and everyone else’s needs are met with fleeting urgency (got to find that missing crayon right now).
Fitting me-time in
I have tried recently to introduce some “me-time”into my life by multi-tasking, as all mothers do. I’ve taken a magazine (that was bought a year ago and never read) to read while sitting outside to watch my kids ride their bikes…. Sooo doesn’t work because I need to see my son do the same trick I’ve seen maybe a million times before and if I don’t look at him, I’ll be nagged to death. So there goes that plan.
I can’t do it while I have my morning tea because I have my daughter watching Mickey Mouse, and God forbid I miss an episode of that! (Did you know that they repeat these darn programs every day?) Showering isn’t relaxing either since I need to save time and do my bit for the earth; I shower my daughter with me. And her Barbie and the My Little Pony…. Yep, gets a little crowded but we’re all about keeping the toys hygienically clean and minty fresh!
The only thing I have accomplished in chasing this phantom “me-time” is realising that it really is all up to me to make the time. So maybe the Sunday afternoon stroll at the botanical gardens can be for Dad and his kids. (After all I do recall having not brought these kids into this world all by my awesome self!) It’s bound to be more fun without mum anyway. And I can read the magazine or watch some mindless TV or go for the run that I’ve been promising myself to do.
I’ve also recently started a once-a-month meet up with my friends. Sure we talk rubbish and laugh at ourselves but it’s fun. And I’m completely relaxed so that when I return to the chaos, I mean home, I am refreshed and ready to take anything on. (Maybe not the sudden midnight fevers but hey, mum’s still the only one that has healing powers right?)
The key thing to remember is that there’s no reason to feel guilty about wanting some time out. Everyone needs some personal space, time away and a chance to just relax. Not all of us have great hobbies but that doesn’t mean we’re not entitled to time alone to just do nothing. And it doesn’t mean that we love our kids any less, it simply means that we’re giving ourselves a much deserved break so that we can be better and more engaged at being mothers.
Now just to keep convincing myself of this and I’m home free!
Do you have any ideas on how you get to enjoy some me-time?
This article was originally written for Jozikids by Fatima Kazee in 2013.
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7 Responses
Angela Ho, glad I could make you laugh. It's the only way I can get through each day, by looking at it with humour!
Multi-tasking Mom of a 4 year old , a 3 year old and 18 month girls… I had to laugh long and hard at your article. My kids have taught me to live in the moment. Life can't be better than that!
Love it!!! Very well said, u one of the best ranters i know!! xxx
Thank you Mia 🙂 I guess it's part of the deal when we decided to have kids Sharon, just didn't read the fine print!
spot on Fatima, I've found me time by simply just going for some retail therapy, cos the kids dnt wanna go with and dad stays home with them,get them hyped on sweets for me to deal with later but its at least "me" time,,,,,also, even just taking time to dry my hair is me time for me…….LOL, I have3 kids, and they play together nicely so I have "me" time while watchn them outside,kinda "me" time…..God bless us all…'
Beautifully said, Fatima. May all mothers follow your lead!!
I know exactly what you mean, my quiet relaxing bath time is usually interrupted by my 5 and 3 year old who just want to see what mummy is doing, followed by a zillion "why" questions!!